Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Welcome to 'In Spirit with Ruth Phillips' – Episode 3.

Welcome to the program. We've got lots of guests today Ruth. We have!
RP: We're going to explore a little bit about pagan celebrants in an interview with Mary Beth Zang, we've also got my dear friend Jessica Adams who's a world renound astrologer and author and Gail Pickles who's going to be speaking to us once again about the origins of numerology.
JW: And she's also going to be looking at the number 3 as well. We have some podcast readings coming up….
RP: Well let's get on with the show and I know you've got some news for us…
JW: Sure, well a really interesting story this month Ruth is about Uri Gallar, he's actually filed a lawsuit against the poor person who sold Graceland from under him so I've got that coming up…
RP: And now let’s look at what’s been happening in the news this month.
[insert news]
So Ruth we had some delays when we first setout to record this podcast! We did indeed!
JW: I can't say that they were my problem… well they were my problem but they weren’t my fault! The whole thing was we came in here and the first thing we were going to do was record some reading for people and the computer wouldn't let me put the jack in and I was receiving lots of strange messages coming out of the computer.
RP: When I was driving to the studio that morning I had a really weird feeling that it wasn't going to work and sitting here watching you fiddling under the desk with millions of cords and stuff like that I'm thinking oh my goodness. It was until I got home and you rang me and said it's working now!
JW: Yes exactly – well I actually tried it again 20 minutes after you left and I think you took the energy with you – whatever it was Ruth! But it all worked again.
RP: Well at least the gremlins aren't here today!
JW: And we do apologise to those people we had lined up for those readings nearly three weeks ago who didn't have the opportunity to have the reading but please stay with us and we'll eventually get you on the program. We will and also sorry for the delay in getting the podcast out this time. I mentioned to people you were going to New Zealand Ruth, maybe you’d like to tell them what that was all about?
RP: Certainly – well I decided it was time for me to go and give back in New Zealand which is where I started my work as medium and I did a platform job, or a job as a platform medium in the spiritualist church in Patoni in Wellington last Sunday night.
JW: You mentioned about giving back – what's the relevance of giving back? Or what's the giving back about?
RP: Well I was very blessed because I had the opportunity when I was 13 to witness a medium and I'll tell you the story in just a minute but part of my philosophy is that I feel we should give back in some way to inspire other people. I was inspired then I think it's important to do that in your life so if you get something if you get a gift, you get some sort of inspiration from anyone or anywhere it's always nice to give back in some way to say thank you. It's doesn’t have to be to the same person.
When I was 13 I was taken to this particular spiritualist church the very same one by my grandfather who is a spiritualist and a mason, very spiritual man and very psychic. He and I have a very strong bond and infact he walks with me every day of my life in spirit. He took me along to this church to witness platform communication for the first time and the medium of the night was a wonderful woman called Beatrice Swaybey, a wonderful name for a medium! Anyway she was fantastic and she kept going to people in the congregation and giving them messages from their loved ones on the other side and it was the first time I had every seen anything like this.
She came to my grandfather and she gave him a message from an old sweetheart of his which was nice – my grandmother was there! So it was someone pre-grandmother! She talked about a single rose in a bud vase and something else too – some other messages from this lady in spirit who'd passed over. I was standing right at the back by my grandfather and when she'd passed over from him and gone to someone else I elbowed him and I said it that right? Is that true? And he just turned to me and nodded and said yes most definitely true all of that.
I was gobsmacked! I couldn’t believe it and I thought how does she do that? How does she do that? And it did sort of there and then not know that I had the gift I knew stuff and I knew that when the phone rang people would be on the end of the phone of that I knew the name of when the phone was ringing but I never realised that I had the gift myself. But I stood there and there and said that's what I want to do! That was my epiphany in a way! I said to myself that's what I want to do – I want to do exactly what she's doing – I want to be able to stand up and see the light in peoples faces and the joy when they get a message from someone in spirit who they thought was lost to them.
JW: You've got to be really careful of what you ask for don't you?
RW: Exactly! Because that night I went to bed and at the end of my bed where all these people standing around in robes, that was a bit scary! I thought oh my goodness. This will ring bells to a lot of people who have psychic abilities developing or they have teenagers or they have some skill as a medium happening. These people were standing there in these robes looking at me and there's about half a dozen of them. It frightened eight bells out me I can tell you!
And I closed my eyes and I could still see them and then I hid under the covers and I could still see them and I went oh dear, oh dear something not so good here if they're there when I'm awake, they're there when I've got my eyes closed. So I ran to my mother who'd gone to sleep and I said help me, help me there are all these people in my room! She said don't be silly dear go back to sleep. I said I haven't been asleep! Thus began my journey with all my spirit community and we've had a lot of communication since then but that's where it began.
JW: So this last weekend was all about giving back?
RP: Yes and going back and standing in Beatrice Swayby's spot which is exactly what I did with the lady who was running the service for the evening. I did spirit communication for about an hour and 20, and hour and half. It was standing room only, last Sunday night so it was like an action replay of when I was 13 years old.
JW: I heard reports that they needed to close the doors…
RP: They did! We had to stop people coming because of fire regulations but there was well over 100 people in this tiny area so it was great. I had to move around so that people could hear me and see me. We had the usual animals come through, we had dogs. We didn't have any ducks this time! But we had loads of different people and I must of given spirit communication to at least two dozen people. It was a really good evening and it was lovely to be back there and to be able to join in communion really with those in spirit and those who are interested in having that spirit communication come through. I feel like I've done the right thing now and I can move forward and do something else!
JW: Terrific! Ruth we've been promising a competition for the last couple of programs and we're about to get that off the ground now. What we're giving away to listeners for this month is an 'In spirit with Ruth Phillips podcast' coffee cup. We're asking listeners to phone in on our new feedback line, it's not a psychic reading question but a developmental question.
RP: I'd like people to ask me questions which they need to have answers for like: 'How do I develop my psychic abilities?'; 'What does it mean when I have aches and pains in my body when I'm near someone else and it seems to be mirroring their aches and pains?'; 'How is it I know who’s on the phone when it rings?'; precognitive dreams – that sort of stuff. So any questions that you have about things you may be experiencing psychically or spiritually that you need answers for and the best one will get the prize this month!
JW: OK so what you need to do to enter this competition is call us on our feedback line. That number will be listed on the website at www.inspiritpodcast.com. Now it's a line in Sydney Australia so for some of you it will be an international call, when you call give us your first name and email address so we can contact you if you've won. We'd like you to leave a developmental question – we'll select the best question, answer it on the program and we'll send you your prize.
Jessica Adams is one of Australia's leading astrologers. She writes columns for Cosmopolitan and Vogue in Asia and she's the astrologer for the Australian Woman's Weekly and the New Zealand Sunday Star Times. Jessica has raised more than 2.5 million dollars for children's charities for the girls night in and kids night in anthology series. She has her own website and is currently launching a new astrology podcast and she joins us on the phone from Sydney now:
JA: Hi Ruthie how are you going?
RP: Tell us about your podcast Jessica:
JA: I'm doing a series for beginners with astrology, people that don't have much experience but are quite curious about it. Each time we do a podcast we're going to focus on a different plant, a different aspect of astrology and a different sign of the zodiac so beginning with the planet Uranus just because it's dominating the action in the heavens and people are going through a great deal of upheaval and radical change because of it.
RP: I think it will be very popular because people who don't have any experience of astrology need to know where they can begin and to listen to a podcast such as your will give them a good leaping off point for further study. I think you'll give them a good grounding.
JA: Time allowing if you come by every fortnight or so you should be able to pick up a mini tutorial. The second one will be on mercury which is the planet of communication! From October to November it's retrograde or going backwards so I thought that might be a good time to talk about it or how to deal with.
RP: I think a lot of people do have a lot of troubles when mercury does go retrograde so to have all those things explained is a great idea. People can find the podcast at www.jessicaadams.com and they can follow up other things of the paranormal nature there which Ruthie knows all about of course.
JW: If you'd like more info about Jessica Adams including your monthly, yearly or weekly stars you can visit her website which is www.jessicaadams.com.
RP: James today I'm going to speak to a lady Mary Beth Zang. Mary Beth was actually the celebrant who married my husband Gordon and I. Mary Beth is a different type of celebrant, she's a pagan celebrant. So we're going to talk to Mary Beth about some of the rituals that she does in her role as a celebrant and ask her a whole bunch of questions – here she is – hello Mary Beth how are you today?
MB: I'm very well thank you.
RP: Now Mary Beth I've actually told our listens a little bit about what you do and the fact tat you married Gordon and I, but as a pagan celebrant can you give us an idea about you how work and the ceremonies that your perform and what are some of the aspects of your ceremonies?
MB: The way a pagan ceremony works is that I work mainly with the elements of earth, air, fire and water and the fifth element being spirit. I would start the ceremony always by creating scared space, I do that in what I call the old way, and I call in the directions of east which is air, north which is fire, west which is water and south which is earth.
When I'm calling in those directions I'll be using my sacred tool so for air and east I'd use my sword, and for fire and north I'd use my lantern which has a little tea light candle in it, for west I'd use water in the really beautiful chalice I've got and for south and usually use my rose quartz or sometimes I'd use a rock. I'd actually use those on my table then call in spirit – I always honour the traditional land owners, the ancestors along our main and female lines and all the creatures that share the earth with us. So that's the start of my ceremony and I'll actually get the guests in helping with that so they all face the elements. So what happens is they become to feel a little bit more comfortable with it.
RP: We actually did that in our wedding ceremony and one of the comments that we had was that it was so lovely that people could participate and be part of it as well.
MB: That's right exactly, it is a community ritual and even bringing in the ancestors it gets people thinking about who’s gone before them and we always mention, or get the couple to mention who's not present at the ceremony. Like people who have died or people who are overseas. Sometimes the couple will put a photograph up of people who can't be there or people who have died on the table which brings them into the circle and that's a really lovely thing I think and people always really warm to that.
RP: And quite often you might find the bride or the groom don’t have their parents there, they ay have passed into spirit and it's a way of honouring that too. Ok so you've created your sacred space.
MB: Most couple will have a flower circle because in the olden days before any church wedding or any other wedding the couples did get married in nature. A pagan wedding is basically a nature based wedding and I don't often use the word pagan in the ceremony but often talk to the couple and get them to explain to their family and friends who might be scared by the word pagan. It just means country dweller, it comes from the Latin word paganis which means liturally country dweller. It’s people who work on the land, with the land, with the elements, with the stars, with the moon, with the sun.
RP: I think that's really important because there is a negative perception because it really is as you say the origin of that word is merely someone who was connected to the earth and the seasons and cycles. What other aspects do you include in your wedding ceremonies?
MB: First of all I always bring my Tibetan bells because that makes a really lovely sound. It lets everybody know that we're starting and brings a really beautiful vibration to the couple. It's a way of me connecting with them. I introduce myself and usually talk about what the moon and sun are doing on that day because there's always a beautiful blessing whatever the moon or sun are in and if the moon is waxing or waning or if it's a new moon. Mostly pagan weddings will happen on a new moon to a full moon but sometimes they do happen on a waning moon, it's just the choice of the couple and sometimes there's just not another day to do it. Preferably you would want to get married on a new moon after a full moon. Like the spring equinox a lot of people who want that sort of wedding will choose those times to get married. Or at the winter equinox like you did.
RP: Yes the coldest day of the year we got married on as well as the solstice and we all felt it. We look forward to talking to you again and thank you once more for your wonderful input today it's been fabulous.
JW: And just that information again if you do want to read up on pagan ceremonies and a bit more about Mary Beth you can find her website at www.pagancelebrant.com.

RP: Welcome back Gayle, I've got so many questions for you today. Just to recap in the last few podcasts we've talked about day born numbers, how to work them out, some of the qualities of the day born numbers one and two and what I'd like to do is ask you a few things about the origins of numerology. Where does it all begin?
G: I'm not sure of the origins of numerology but there are several systems, the Chaldean system and the Pythagorean system and as most people understand Pythagoras was a Greek philosopher. I tend to use the Pythagorean system. Pythagoras developed the science of numbers along with ability to heal with music so the whole of the way things work is everything is put together in the universe with musical notes and or numbers. I use the Pythagorean system, it was a system that I learned over 20 years ago and the one that I find the most useful. Other people may seek other alternatives but that's the system that I use.
RP: Do you use the system because you feel it gives you more insight and more depth of wisdom relating to the numbers?
G: I just think it sits well with me and the way I am. No system is any better than any other system. They all come from the same source; they are a divine given gift. The science of it still comes back to the same, understanding who you are.
RP: What you say about your choice system is so true, whether we use a divination card, psychometry – everything counts doesn’t it? Everything is valid it's just your choice within it.
G: It's all valid because it's all coming from the one source, coming from the complete hole.
RP: I think people need to know there's no wrong answer. So tell me a little bit about the number 3, which dates in the month first of all are the number 3 day born?
G: The 3 day born are 3 of any month, the 12th, the 21st and the 30th.
RP: So tell me something about the 3's – what are they like as people? What sort of energy do they have?
G: They've got a very excitable energy, they're here to express themselves, self-expression is their keyword and they're into anything in the performing arts, music, they create things. As children they tend to be quite creative, if they're not noticed they'll create in order to be noticed.
RP: So that explains why my husband a 3 day born is a bagpipe player?
G: That has a lot to do with why he plays the bag pipes! It's also a very mental number so they're able to work things out in their head. To remember the 3 and we can only slightly introduce the sacred geometry that goes with the numbers but the 3 is the trinity or the triangle. 1 and 2 make 3. So one of their best expressions is the producing of children but they'll create all sorts of interesting things.
RP: So does that mean they're good at art, painting and drawing and those sorts of things?
G: Well we can go back to the 1 about the art, 1 has hidden talent for art and poetry and painting and writing, 3's are more inclined towards music and the performing arts. So you'll most likely see them on the stage or in an art form, particularly if they’re combined with the life path number of a 5.
RP: How do we work out our life path number?
G: Well we can take a number 20th of the 4th 1945. You add the 20th to the 4th then the 1945. That comes to a 25 which comes to a 7.
RP: What's the difference between a day born number and a life path number?
G: The day born number is the qualities and gifts you brought with you, and is there to provide you with a balance to learn how to balance yourself, so there's not so much a reaction in life but an action. Whereas a life-path number is what you're going to do with those talents that come underneath your day-born number. So how you'll do what you're good at in the world.
RP: So if we put this in a term of reincarnation and stuff like that – the day born number is the gifts we bring in with us and the karmic and the life-path number is what our mission statement is?
G: Let's take James as an example, as a life-path number James is a 19/1 day-born and he's our producer, he's full of ideas. When you add James' birthday up he comes to an 8 life-path. Now 8's about strength and determination and balance, it's about organisation so James is using all of those skills in his life-path number to get his podcast out to benefit humanity. So James is about as above so below. James' way of introducing spirituality into all this – he knows that if you introduce spirituality with your physical then you are going to have a better life.
RP: Don't forget to look at our website to work out your life-path number.
JW: And now on the line is Beverly from Ontario Canada.
RP: What would you like to ask me dear?
Beverly: Well I'm wondering about my career? I'm wondering what will be happening for me or coming up for me around my career?
RP: I feel this is a transition time for you Beverly, I'm seeing a lot of change. I feel you're in a job at the moment that you're not being valued for all of the input that you're contributing. I feel also that you're not being valued on an emotional or financial basis. There seems to be some choices ahead for you. May I ask you is there some sort of a redundancy or a shift happening in your workplace at the moment because I'm seeing a lot of movement or options to go or stay, not around just you but other people too.
Beverly: More with me, maybe with other people I'm not sure but there are changes occurring for me. I
RP: I feel as though your responsibilities or the field you work in is changing and your job profile is changing as well. Is that what's happening for you?
Beverly: I hope so.
RP: I'm talking about your current job at the moment, whether they're changing your job or your areas of responsibility because I'm getting the feeling it's prompting you to do something or move out of what you're doing already.
Beverly: On some level.
RP: This is not working because I'm seeing transition and change and I don't quite understand what is going on for you’re here because I feel there is some movement in the company that is prompting you to make a change.
Beverly: Well there is – my job's coming to an end.
RP: Thank you, that's the feeling that I get – it's almost like a contract or job is coming to and end and something's changing around that that's prompting you to make a change yourself. I just want to make sure I've got the right feel around your job here. What I'm feeling is there's a need for you to look at what you're doing and go OK is this really what I want to do for the rest of my life or the next few years because I actually see you changing direction completely.
So if we were going along a road and that's your career path what I'm seeing is you reaching a cross road and instead of keeping going straight on you're actually going to do an abrupt right turn and go off on a completely different career path. I know this is kind of a bit scary I know but I feel it's something you've always wanted to do. Is there a career or something you've always wanted to do in your working life you'd never considered possible? Don't tell me what it is just answer yes or no on this one.
Beverly: Yes
RP: Great, that's really good because I feel you're going to so something which you've had in mind for a long time which is like a sea change or a green change as we call them here in Australia and I feel as though there may be a little of training or experience you need to get before you move on this new path. This is a path of service and one which is very creative as well. You have an immense about of creativity laying dormant within you and I feel this new path will be a creative outlet for you. Is the path you've wanted to do creative?
Beverly? It can be.
RP: I feel it has to do with communication as well. It's a creative form of doing something – something noone's doing quite yet and I see there is a niche market. I can't see exactly what it is but I feel this will move you forward and do something that noone else is doing?
Beverly: I'm wondering if these opportunties are going to come up fairly soon to help me along?
RP: OK I see someone coming into your life, I see a man being instrumental in assisting you with this. I feel there is an opportunity you have that will be coming in the next month or two – that you’ll be able to seize this opportunity and go OK I’m ready to let go of what I’m doing now because your job is finishing in the next month or so isn’t it?
Beverly: Yes it is.
RP: And that’s what I’ve got this feeling around you’re needing this to happen quite suddenly but I also feel you have to be quite proactive in this. Do you know a man with brown hair that may be a bit receding but he’s got a very clear face and clear eyes. He’s good at business and good at directing people and assisting them to start new projects. Do you have someone like that around you at the moment?
Beverly: I believe so, yes.
RP: I’m getting the initial J around him. I want to say John but that might not be his name, but I see an initial J which seems significant in some way so it could be his business name, his surname or business name. This J person will have some influence in this situation. The other thing is there seems to be a small lump sum of money coming to you as well almost like a payout in someway or a nest egg. Are you expecting this?
Beverly: Yes
RP: OK well this will tide you over, it may be that you really need to have a break. I’m seeing a break taking in Halloween and your pre-Christmas time as well. So in the lead up to Christmas you’re going to use this time to create a new path for yourself and put some ground work in because I see things firing off very quickly for you in the new year. Just for interest what area are you thinking of pursing?
Beverly: Well being a lawyer I’m trying to fulfill my article, and here in Canada you have to article for the bar – I’ve been putting it out there but nothings been coming back as far as the positions that I need to fill my article for the bar.
RP: OK well something will come for that in the next month or so then I feel that study for your bar and I feel you may be accepted to the bar early in the new year. You will be quite creative in this, the creativity will be in your communication skills. You have the ability to draw people out and to use your voice and communication to assist them better. You’re a very good communicator, people would be more inclined to talk to you than one of your colleagues. I have a feeling you may be a 7 path or 7 day born numerlogically speaking. It’s got a great deal of service around your whole energy.
Next caller:
Melissa: Hi Ruth, I might have an opportunity to change my job around May next year or I might look for additional work, I just wanted see what you saw around work next year?
RP: With regards to your work you’ve had a steady employment for a while and what I’m seeing is your ready to personally move, I think your challenges have come that you’ve met all the challenges in the job that you’re doing at the moment and I feel you’ve been very responsible for the people you’ve been working with and for and I feel you want a new challenge. Is that how you’re feeling?
Melissa: Yes I feel it will be coming to and end, they’ve asked me to stay and I wanted to know if I had additional work or another change?
RP: I feel you’ll be able to stay until you’re ready to leave. They’ll be very happy to have you stay until you make the decision. There seems to be some study around you as well which is coming to a conclusion this year. This study will mean there’s a full qualification happening right now. You’re going to look around for some opportunities overseas and I’m picking up Europe or the UK and I feel you’ll be very sought after in your field.
Are you looking after children?
Melissa: Yes.
RP: OK because the qualifications I see you getting seem to catapult you forward with regard to caring for children and teaching them, I’m seeing you would find a very well paid job in the UK or in Europe doing a little bit of what you do now but I feel it’s more in a teaching or tutoring role and there seems to be travel. When I see this movement for you overseas this money is coming but I also see love coming into your life as well. The two of them is combined, when I see you traveling I see you meeting your future partner. I don’t see him around you here in Australia.
Melissa: OK that sounds great thank you Ruth.
JW: That was very different to episode 2 where we had it the other way around – where we had a very long reading about spirit communication.
RP: That’s correct. And that’s the life and times of a clairvoyant medium James!
And so today I leave you with a thought. One thing is certain, the power of belief, the power of thought, will move reality in the direction of our belief. If you really believe you can do something you can. That is a fact. May the angels watch over you, spirit guide you and the divine bless you as you go about your lives.

Transcription with compliments of Tameera Kemp

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