Friday, June 23, 2006

How to calculate your day born number

In the first episode of the podcast Gale Pickles was talking about calculating your day-born number. Now if you'd like to do this yourself here's how you do it!

Take your day of birth, if you are born on 1st to the 9th of the month then it's really easy. You are that number. If you're born on a higher number then you need to do some calculating. Say you are born on the 23rd of the month. You simply add the two numbers of your day of birth 2+3 which gives you the Day Born number of 5.

If you're born on say, the 29th of the month, then you would add 2+9 which gives you 11, then you add 1+1 which gives you a Day Born number of 2. It's that easy.

Do you have a question for Gale about numerology or anything she's discussed on the program. If you want a question answered, leave us a comment on the blog, and we'll work on answering it in an upcoming program.

Also - stay tuned for details of Gale's new website.


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