Monday, December 31, 2007

Episode 22: Mercury Retrograde in 2008

Today's episode of A Moment in Spirit focuses the spotlight on Mercury Retrograde. We examine what it is, when it happens and how it affects you, and we include some strategies for dealing with Mercury retrograde while it's going on.


Mercury Retrograde happens a few times a year, and here are the dates for 2008.
  • January 28th - February 19th, 2008
  • May 26th - June 19th, 2008
  • September 24th - October 15th, 2008

Examine the first set of dates for Mercury retrograde, and write to us with your Mercury Retrograde experiences. We will read out the best Mercury Retrograde stories on the podcast in late February. The best Mercury Retrograde story will win a special prize.

Don't forget to write the dates down in your diary.

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