Lesley writes:
I just bought an ipod. Is it possible to get the previous podcast episodes to put on the ipod? Itunes only has the latest episode.
James replies:
Thanks for the question Lesley. What you're telling me is partly correct, but it's only one half of what iTunes will do for you. By default, iTunes will only download the most recent episode automatically.
This is a feature of iTunes to ensure that a new ipod user doesn't download every episode of a podcast - this intentional feature protects users from downloading too much data and going over their broadband limits.
You can - however - download more than the most recent episode.
To download more episodes, visit the In Spirit with Ruth Phillips podcast page at iTunes and select Get Episode for each of the earlier episodes you wish to download.
Here's our podcast page on iTunes for downloading other episodes:
More information on downloading is available under the Help menu in iTunes. This is what is explained when you search for downloading in iTunes Help:
To download a podcast from the iTunes Store:
1) Click iTunes Store.
2) Click Podcasts (below "Inside the iTunes Store"). Click a podcast to see a list of recent episodes.
When you find a podcast you want to download, do one of the following:
1) To download a single episode, click Get Episode.
2) To subscribe to a podcast, click Subscribe.
iTunes downloads the most recent episode. As new episodes become available, they are automatically downloaded to iTunes (when you are connected to the Internet).
Happy listening - and thanks for being a podcast subscriber Lesley!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
How do I download older episodes to my iPod?
Posted by
James Williams
1:38 pm
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Welcome to 2007!
Welcome to the new energy of a new year. And what a year it promises to be!
Already my phone lines and email inbox have been running hot with messages, questions and requests for assistance and guidance. While I recognise that many are undergoing huge shifts and change in their lives I am heartened to note that so many of you dear ones are progressing and growing spiritually through all these experiences. Well done you!
This is a global “9” year, in numerological terms (2+0+0+7= 9), and therefore implies a year of completion. September, being the ninth month of this “9” year, will be a significant time to finalise outstanding projects and clear the decks in preparation for the new energy that will begin to emerge.
In fact, September 18 has been heralded by some as a turning point in global consciousness – a pivotal moment that will move us forward into a different state of conscious awareness. Don’t expect bells and whistles and loud explosions, this energy will emerge gently and gradually over a period of time but for those who are sensitive, the world will feel so completely different to how it has felt before.
A word to “Sensitives” now… Many of you may have been feeling particularly “yucky”, low, depressed, sad or mournful just prior to the beginning of the New Year. This is a sure sign that you were “picking up” on the global energy field.
If you examined your own life you will have noticed that all was well for you and it really was not your stuff. Please be assured that you were not alone in these feelings or experiences – this was a phenomenon being experienced by Light Workers worldwide. Another symptom of sensitivity to the changes occurring now is sleeplessness.
After discussions with spiritual colleagues and friends throughout Australia, the UK, USA and New Zealand, there seem to be two groups of souls awake in the wee small hours – the 3 a.m. Club and the 5 a.m. Club. Which one are you a member of? Those of you experiencing this wakefulness will understand this exactly.
My advice is to just give in to it – as your energy shifts you actually need less sleep. Have a hot drink, and do something relaxing. Worrying is not going to fix this one – just know you are not alone.
James, my podcast producer and webmaster extraordinaire, and I are planning more exciting changes for this website this coming year. We will be continuing to record our podcasts and we thank you for all the positive and encouraging feedback we have received thus far.
Our next recording date In Spirit with Ruth Phillips is Monday 15 January, so if you would like to ask a question of a spiritual nature or receive communication from a loved one who has passed over, please contact us and include with your question your full name, all phone contact numbers and your country of residence (for time zone calculations) so we can contact you to arrange a time to call to speak to you personally and record you on our next exciting show.
I look forward to being in touch with you throughout this coming year.
Wishing you a happy and healthy 2007.
Posted by
James Williams
4:01 pm